Help Defend and Promote Digital Rights – Donate to Electronic Frontiers Australia

Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) is a non-profit organization that has been fighting ‘in the trenches’ for digital rights since 1994. EFA is run entirely by volunteers who, with the support of our members and donors, work to ensure that digital rights are framed as human rights, that our privacy is protected against both government and private sector overreach and and to ensure that the digital world is a safe and secure place supported by strong consumer laws and other protective mechanisms.

To see our most recent advocacy work see here

In the pursuit of our advocacy work, we incur various fixed costs and recurring expenses.  These costs and expenses typically include software licensing, accounting fees, bank and credit card processing  fees, marketing, audit and IT infrastructure expenses etc.  Our income to offset these costs  primarily comes from membership revenue and donations. Both are  really important, but donations, especially recurring donations,  help EFA keep the metaphorical lights on.

Make a Difference Today

By donating to EFA, you play a crucial role in defending digital rights and freedoms in Australia.   Your donation will help EFA continue its vital work in:

Protecting privacy: EFA advocates for strong privacy laws and fights against government  overreach and private sector data-veillance.

Promoting innovation: EFA supports government policies that facilitate creativity and competition in the tech sector accompanied by meaningful consumer protection laws and other mechanisms.

Supporting free speech and information access: EFA fights for our right to express ourselves freely online and to access information about us which the government and private sector organizations hold.

Defending civil liberties in the public square:  EFA is frequently sought out by the media for our perspective on topical privacy, cyber-security, information access and technological overreach issues.

Influencing public policy: Since 1994 EFA has been pre-eminent in its advocacy by shaping the perspectives of policy makers, politicians and public servants on privacy, telecommunication, cyber-security, censorship, information access and Big Tech reform.

Make a Donation to EFA

Please note: Although we are a registered charity, donations to EFA are not tax-deductible. Current Australian taxation law does not qualify us for deductible gift recipient status

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