Lyndsey Jackson To Leave EFA Board After Five Years of Service

Board member Lyndsey Jackson reflects on her five years of service on the board, and invites you to consider joining!
AGM is on TODAY! Saturday 13 November

We really look forward to having you join us! Call details are below. Visit our 2021 AGM information page for the board agenda and papers. The Annual General Meeting of Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. will be held on Saturday 13 November 2021 via teleconference at: 15:00 AEDT (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS) 14:30 ACDT (SA) 14:00 AEST (QLD) […]
Nominate for the EFA board by 16 October

EFA members are invited to nominate for election to the Board. As per Rule 10, there will be five vacant Board seats at the AGM. Nominations from new members (that join before the close of nominations) are acceptable, and nominations from people from groups that are currently under-represented on the Board are particularly encouraged. Self-nomination […]
Neoliberalism, the Life World and the Psychopathic Corporation
This event was held on: 12-12:45 pm AEST, Wednesday, 28th July The discussion raised questions about the nature of the digital world and the crisis of embodiment such as: Are corporations psychopathic? By law, corporations are humans, yet they don’t have to embody ‘humanity’. They are allowed to act in their own interest, lack ethics, morals […]
EFA Talks – Immunity Passport and Digital Rights
This event was held on: 12-12:45pm AEST, Wednesday, 28th April What is an immunity passport and is it a good idea? Is it a reasonable public health measure or just another piece of invasive surveillance by authoritarians? Join us on EFA Talks where we explore these questions with panelists Professor Hudson Birden, Epidemiologist and Chair […]