AGM is on TODAY! Saturday 13 November

We really look forward to having you join us!

Call details are below. Visit our 2021 AGM information page for the board agenda and papers.

The Annual General Meeting of Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. will be held on Saturday 13 November 2021 via teleconference at:

  • 15:00 AEDT (NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
  • 14:30 ACDT (SA)
  • 14:00 AEST (QLD)
  • 13:30 ACST (NT)
  • 12:00 AWST (WA)

Teleconference Information

The videoconference technology used will be Zoom.

Topic: EFA Annual General Meeting 2021

Time: Nov 13, 2021 03:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 871 2059 6533

Passcode: 593740

Dial by your location

        +61 7 3185 3730 Australia

        +61 8 6119 3900 Australia

        +61 8 7150 1149 Australia

        +61 2 8015 6011 Australia

        +61 3 7018 2005 Australia

Find your local number: