Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024.

The EFA Annual General Meeting will be held online (Zoom) on Saturday, 16th November 2024.


  • 15:00 (AEDT)(NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS)
  • 14:30 ACDT (SA)
  • 14:00 AEST (QLD)
  • 13:30 ACST (NT)
  • 12:00 AWST (WA)

We encourage members to participate in the AGM. It is anticipated to last no more than 1.5 hours.

Meeting Agenda

The meeting will consider the following matters.

  1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any Special General Meetings held since that meeting;
  2. To receive and consider reports from the Board for the financial year just ended: • The Chair’s report
    • The annual financial statements
    • The auditor’s report
  3. To receive and consider the report from the Treasurer on Membership Renewal Date changes
  4. The appointment of the auditor for the current financial year – Treasurer
  5. The election of Board Members
  6. Other business for which notice has been given: Correction/change for membership cycles (Treasurer’s paper)
  7. Board Election

Board member elections and candidates

There are five vacancies for the EFA Board, as per Rule 10 of the EFA Rules of Incorporation. The following candidates are nominated for election to the Board:

  • Andrew Roffey
  • Jarrod Liodl
  • Bianca Gay
  • Andrew Scott

Update 18/11/24 – Candidate statements have been removed post AGM arising out of a request for privacy and implications of indexing content. All EFA members at the time of notice of the AGM will have received a copy for their records. Any queries can be sent to secretary (@)

Continuing Directors

  • John Pane
  • Kiki Fong Lim
  • Paul Ruberry
  • Ross Floate


Voting at the AGM is open to all EFA current financial members who joined before the close of nominations for Board (17:00 AEDT on Saturday, 19 October 2024), and who are financial at the commencement of the AGM.

If you are unsure of your membership status or fees have been paid you can login to your member portal to review your details and renew. If you don’t remember your details you can reset your password and if all else fails, email [email protected] for assistance.

EFA Annual General Meeting 2024 – Proxies

If you are unable to attend, you may nominate another member to vote on your behalf. Rule 22 (Proxies) of EFA’s Rules of Incorporation state:

  1. A member shall be entitled to appoint in writing the Chair of the meeting, or a natural person who is also a member of the Association, to be his / her proxy, and to attend and vote at any meeting of the Association.
  2. A member, other than the Chair of the meeting, shall not be entitled to exercise more than ten (10) proxy votes upon any motion.
    If a member has more than ten (10) proxies assigned to them, only the first ten received will be counted. Members may nominate the Chair to vote their proxy if their preferred proxy has already received the maximum ten proxies.


To nominate a proxy for voting, please send an email in the format below to [email protected] by 17:00 AEDT on Saturday, November 9, 2024. There is an option to authorise the Chair to act as proxy


2024 EFA AGM Proxy Nomination

I, _____, a current member of the EFA, nominate

_____, to vote as my proxy in the 2024 AGM of the EFA.

(Or, delete as appropriate)

I authorise the Chair to vote as my proxy in the event that my above nominated proxy has already received the maximum ten (10) proxies permitted under Rule 22.2.

Zoom Details: Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc 2024 AGM

Meeting ID: 882 8924 8562 Passcode: 118366

Dial by your location

  • +61 8 6119 3900 Australia
  • +61 8 7150 1149 Australia
  • +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
  • +61 3 7018 2005 Australia
  • +61 7 3185 3730 Australia

Meeting ID: 882 8924 8562

Passcode: 118366

Find your local number: