Join EFA to Defend Encryption Against Global Crackdown

Electronic Frontiers Australia is ramping up our efforts to educate and advocate for the right to encryption after a global wave of anti-encryption legislation, including the UK’s Online Safety Bill, EU’s CSAM laws, and the US EARN-IT Act.

To do so, we’ve joined the Global Encryption Coalition. Join us on October 21, 2023, for a global day of action, uniting civil society, businesses, technologists, and millions of Internet users to champion and safeguard strong encryption.

Click here for more details.

Encryption plays a vital role in our everyday lives and cannot be taken for granted.

Governments need to stop attempting to break encryption in pursuit of a magical solution that allows only “Good Guys™” to access it. Weakening encryption for one weakens it for all.

Encryption is also not the solution to counterterrorism or illegal activities. When governments undermine encryption, they jeopardize global security and erode our right to private communication, leaving many people exposed to surveillance, crime, and control

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of who encryption benefits.

In the face of a worldwide crackdown on encryption, we need your support to continue the fight for the right to encryption. 

Do you believe the right to use encrypted communications should be enshrined in law? Join EFA today.

(Image credit: iStock)

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